Always Unique
Are you tired of paranormal & fantasy romance with already-done, predictable plots?
Have you DNF’d a ton of “read that” fantasy romance books?
Do you want a series that is truly unique, where you can’t predict the ending…
With surprising twists that keep you on the edge of your seat?
Always Adult
Are you tired of paranormal & fantasy romance written for teens and not adults?
Are you unable to stand simple plots, vapid characters, and one-dimensional relationships?
Do you need 5-peppers spice with lots of action & adventure (& in the bedroom)...
Not just hand-holding and fade-to-black?
Always Complex
Are you tired of simple paranormal & fantasy romance?
Do you crave something you can sink your teeth into, a true page-turner to get lost in?
Do you need a series that’s totally engrossing, with a lush secondary world and backstory?
Do you desire romance that feels real…
That you’ll enjoy reading for life?
Always Yours
Do you crave adventure in your life, something that takes you around the world in extravagance?
Do you dream about wealthy, enthralling men; your perfect partner, destined to be yours?
Do you need a book boyfriend that makes you feel loved, desired & sexy…
Fulfilled and complete, at last?